
French-Swedish Workshop - Smart Cities and Mobility


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--> Presentations are available, please click on the link below to download.

- Opening address by official Representative of Gustave Eiffel University, Jacquot-Guimbal General Director, IFSTTAR)PRESENTATION


- Plenary Session 1 - Setting the Scene

Laetitia Dablanc (Ifsttar) & Ivan Sanchez-Diaz (Chalmers Uni) - What's new in research and innovation on smart city logistics? French and Swedish points of view - PRESENTATION

Dan Hill (VINNOVA) - The Infrastructure of Everyday Life - PRESENTATION

Patrick Porru (IDRRIM) - Private/public partnership in innovating road construction - PRESENTATION


- Plenary Session 2 - Academics meet innovation

Jan Pettersson (Trafikverkert) - Swedish roadmap for electrified roads - PRESENTATION

Patrick Duprat (Alstom) - The Electric Road System proposed by Alstom - PRESENTATION

Stefan Engevall (Linköping University) - Construction logistics:  Reducing urban transportation through coordinated information & cooperation - PRESENTATION

Tarik Bourouina (ESIEE) - Water Resource Sustainability: Smart Water Networks versus Low-tech Solutions - PRESENTATION

Bijan Adl-Zarrabi (Chalmers University) - Smart cities and infrastructures - PRESENTATION

Simon Pouget (Eiffage) ECO DESIGN - Bio-based binders for road industry - PRESENTATION


- Plenary Session 3 - Panel Discussion "THe cities of Tomorrow"

- Plenary Session 4 - Academics and Innovation meet society

 MariAnne Karlsson (Chalmers) - Designing Transport Systems for People  - PRESENTATION         

Mercedes Bueno-Garcia (Vedecom) - Human Factors Issues in Automated Driving - PRESENTATION

 Marie Ljungberg (Scania) - One year with Scania Go – what’s next? - PRESENTATION


- Plenary Session 5 - AFSR Laureates

Ali Padyab (Luleå University of Technology) - Social Media Data Mining and User Empowerment - PRESENTATION

Mohamed Mabrouk (IMT Atlantique) - How Energy systems modelling supports decision-making: the example of District Heating Systems - PRESENTATION

Tatiana Babicheva (VEDECOM) - Distributed and dynamic management of a fleet of autonomous taxis - PRESENTATION


- Plenary Session 6 - Towards a twinning experience

Philippe Masset, deputy director for European and international affairs, French Environment & Energy Management Agency (ADEME)

Pascal Bain, Scientific officer - Challenge 2 (Energy) & 6 (Sustainable Urban Systems and Mobility), National Research Agency - PRESENTATION

Christos Fragakis, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD) - PRESENTATION


Cloture address on “innovation challenges “, Bernard Jacob (IFSTTAR) - PRESENTATION





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